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        2. Notice Bulletin

          • Shandong Xinqiao Industrial Co., Ltd.
          •   Shandong xin'qiao Industrial Co. Ltd. is located in the Jiangbei largest steel market - Tai'an manzhuang steel market, located in the northern foot of Taishan, 66 km away from Ji'nan City, South three resort 66 kilometers in Qufu City, Shandong province is located in the "mountain, water, a saint" tourist hot point. The company covers an area of 120 acres, West Beijing Fuzhou, Beijing Shanghai high-speed and 104..



          Product Center

          Employees' Demeanor

          Chairman's Speech

          Tai'an Xinqiao Pioneer Metals Corporation headquarters is located in Shandong province.


          Letter Bridge News

          HomeBrief IntroductionOrganizationLetter Bridge NewsProduct CenterAptitude HonorHuman ResourcesContact Us

          Mailbox:taxinqiao@163.com    Website:m.yilishabaitaoci.com
          Shandong Xinqiao Industrial Co., Ltd.  Copyright         Technical support:Nuodun Network
          Headquarters:0538-8151706    Fax:0538-8151704 Address:The new North Road of the steel market of Tai'ant
          Branch:0538-5018001      Fax:0538-5018004 Address:Tai'an national Mountain Center

          色婷婷啪啪,黄瓜影院在线观看,欧美日韩免费大片,一级女人毛片人一女人 南宫市| 虹口区| 洪湖市| 聊城市| 东丰县| 陆河县| 班戈县| 石柱| 杭锦旗| 财经| 青川县| 丹棱县| 芜湖市| 琼结县| 安塞县| 长治市| 资溪县| 汨罗市| 康定县| 福安市| 洪江市| 平和县| 大同市| 邛崃市| 黑龙江省| 富川| 新巴尔虎左旗| 正定县| 延寿县| 台东市| 固原市| 龙山县| 新化县| 中方县| 治县。| 武夷山市| 额尔古纳市| 慈溪市| 兰考县| 江川县| 惠州市| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444